Mersey Gateway Bridge,
Cheshire, UK

A simple, sensitive application of light to the robust pylons of the new Mersey Gateway. Industrial scale lighting create low intensity illumination of light across the River Mersey estuary. Civic events are celebrated on the pylons with animated sequences of coloured light.
Mersey Link
Knight Architects
James Newton
Project Team
Keith Bradshaw, Philip Rose, Iain Ruxton

The Mersey Gateway is a vast river crossing situated in a partially rural location, designed to be a landmark piece of infrastructure, recognisable throughout the North West of England and beyond.

Once in a while a project allows us the freedom to express the sheer joy and pleasure of light.”

For everyday use, the pylons will be lit in an elegant cool white, and will be reprogrammed with colours and effects tailored to particular civic and national events. 

Opening Night

It was our privilege to design a customised light show for the launch event: demonstrating the inherent flexibility of the permanent lighting scheme with a fabulous sequence of colours and movement, picking out the three concrete pylons, as fireworks filled the autumn sky.