The study also provides suggested treatments for a wide range of landmarks including St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Guildhall, Smithfield Market and several historic bridges.
Client The City of London Corporation | Project Team Mark Major, Benz Roos |
With a major procurement of new street lighting and smart controls acting as the catalyst, we were commissioned to undertake an innovative study for the City of London. This study has subsequently been formally accepted as the basis for a strategic re-lighting of this hugely important area, which encompasses not only the city’s major financial district but also its unique network of historic mediaeval streets and buildings.
The study also provides suggested treatments for a wide range of landmarks including St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Guildhall, Smithfield Market and several historic bridges.
As well as for a wide range of character areas including the Culture Mile, Bank and the Riverside.
Importantly, the study also provides an approach that balances concerns for creating a safe, secure and legible environment, supporting the night-time economy and creating a focus for the City’s residential community, while limiting potential environmental impacts such as energy use, light pollution and light spill.
Plan indicating main and side roads, footway/alleyways and riverbank zones
Colour Temperature plan
Plan indicating typical mounting heights