Victoria Dockside Drop-Off,
Hong Kong

By day and by night the entrance experience to Victoria Dockside for many visitors will be through the covered drop-off. Views across the harbour are enchanting and unique but also pose a challenge; how to find the right visual balance between the views and natural light.
New World Development
Ceiling Concept
Leigh and Orange
Jackie Chan
Project Team
Keith Bradshaw, Carrie Donahue Bremner, Adrien Flouraud, Dave Morris

We studied the natural light very carefully to understand the qualities and intensities of light experienced by a visitor arriving in the visual corridor. The intensity of the natural light in the southern sky can create a tunnel effect by day – therefore the design of the light needed to make sure that the artificial light balances out the intensity of natural light.

Luminous panels in the ceiling create an overall sense of light in the Visual Corridor whist acting as an elegant decorative intervention to the ceiling panels. Other concealed lighting provides the functional levels of light but are purposely hidden to allow the luminous panels to appear to be the major source of light. The luminous panels are both subtle and ephemeral enhancing the feel and experience of the luxurious drop off at Victoria Harbourside.