
    How do we work?

    Our tried and tested design and delivery process ensures that we can realise ground-breaking ideas. Close collaboration plays a vital role throughout the entire design and delivery process, no more so than when we are translating the core values of the project into concepts and solutions. Workshops, meetings, presentations are an essential part of each stage. We follow a 6-stage ‘Plan of Work’:

    1. Strategy

    We begin by developing the lighting brief with the client and design team. As we consider the unique qualities of the project, exploring the role that light and darkness can play, creative solutions begin to emerge. We look at the big picture, providing a contextual and holistic response through the development of a strategic approach.

    2. Concept

    Our ideas evolve by considering the experience of the end-user, from all angles, and within a practical envelope of cost, buildability, ease of maintenance and energy use. We think about quality as well as quantity, considering the effect of light, shadow, colour, texture, movement and change and their relationship to form, space and materiality.

    3. Development

    Our conceptual ideas crystallise into detailed technical solutions that include initial suggestions for lighting and control equipment. The dialogue established with the project’s design, construction and maintenance teams allows full integration of the technology into the overall project. We use tests and mock-ups to explore the possibilities, helping inform the design and construction process.

    4. Technical

    We produce comprehensive packages of drawings, specifications, and details, helping to co-ordinate the lighting and control systems with the architecture or landscape design such that they become part of the construction documentation. We maintain fastidious attention to detail throughout the technical design and production phase, whether through traditional 2D design or full 3D BIM.

    5. Construction

    We provide support throughout the construction process both on-site and from our studio to help quickly resolve any queries. The delivery of the concept remains firmly at the forefront of our minds, as we continue to evaluate the lighting scheme as it is installed.

    6. Handover

    At the project’s conclusion we review the entire installation. We assist with commissioning, programming and focusing of the lighting systems. We provide help and guidance to the maintenance and management teams who adopt the finished scheme.

    How do we communicate?

    We pride ourselves on the clarity of our communication. Unlike concrete, stone and steel, light is intangible, ephemeral, and its effects hard to represent. We cannot see it or draw it – only its result. We therefore clearly communicate and explore our ideas at each stage using every means available: words, images, sketches, diagrams, visuals, drawings, models and animations.

    Please click below to learn more about the way we work.